Affiliated Since November 14, 2017

Nada is an Egyptian mother of one child, which she gave birth to in water--using AMANI natural birth practices with the attendance of a doula. She also attended AMANI Birth classes as a pregnant woman in the beginning .... That's the thing that made her feel like she wanted to be certified as a teacher and doula, to be able to help women and support them through the most important time in their life and give them the help they deserve.... She is looking forward to change the idea of natural birth in her community by helping to educate families more and more. She strives to give them the opportunity to have their best chance of the best birth they wish for.

Location الموقع: Alexandria, Egypt الإسكندرية، مصر
Official AMANI Affiliate Number
رقم الانتساب:
Email Address  الايميل:
Phone Number  رقم الجوال: +2-0100 364 6915
AMANI Birth Certification Status  حالة الانتساب: Certified AMANI Teacher & Doula
Teaching Couples or Mothers Only  تدريب الازواج او الامهات فقط:

Ladies Only or Couples

تدريب الازواج او الامهات فقط

Offering Private or Group Classes  تقديم الدروس الخاصة او المجموعات: Either Private or Group Sessions Available
اقدم دروس خاصة او للمجموعات
Languages Served   اللغة التي استخدمها: English & العربية

Nada's Message to You

Asalam alaikum, Congratulations on your pregnancy! I am happy to support mothers during natural and water births and even c-section births in case of complications.

رسالة ندى لك

أنا أدعم الأمهات أثناء الولادة الطبيعية وولادة تحت الماء وحتى الولادة القيصرية في حالة حدوث مضاعفات.