Affiliated Since September 1, 2016

I am a mother of four - the first three were born via cesarean section, and the fourth one is a natural birth after multiple cesarean. I'm the author of Detik Kelahiran Si Permata Hati which has been published by PTS Millenia in 2007. This book discusses about natural childbirth, and encourages mothers to achieve drugs-free birth. It was written and published way before the rise of natural, gentle birth awareness in Malaysia. So, I am now so blessed and honored to continue with my natural birth advocacy work more actively on the platform of AMANI Birth, apart from the Cesarean Awareness Malaysia (CAM) platform.

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Official AMANI Affiliate Number: 225531
Email Address:
Phone Number: 0163056006
AMANI Birth Certification Status: Certified AMANI Teacher
Teaching Couples or Mothers Only: Couples


Offering Private or Group Classes: Either Private or Group Sessions Available

Sesi Swasta atau Kumpulan Terdapat

 Languages Served: English and Malay

Mazneera's Message to You

Asalam alaikum, Congratulations on your pregnancy!