Your Quick Guide to a Natural Birth

Yusra Syed shares some key points that expectant mothers will find very helpful:  The journey of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth is an amanah (trust) upon the parents. The father is encouraged to actively participate in the journey and birth of his child. It is compulsory on the expecting mother to educate herself in natural birth, care for her nutrition, be mindful of exercise and physically prepare herself for birth. It is on the mother to take charge and write out her natural birth plan empowering herself and excluding external interventions and overpowering of the medical procedures. It is her [...]

2022-08-10T20:04:22+00:000 Comments

Testimonial Tuesdays

AMANI Birth Certified Childbirth Educator & Doula, Hussban Kheder, reflects upon her training journey and the importance of education for birthing mothers:  "AMANI Birth philosophy is all about mothers; from pregnancy to birth, ending to baby care and breastfeeding. What makes AMANI more special is the inclusion of Islamic teachings in its curriculum. This never existed in any childbirth education classes in the world, subhanAllah. Everything I learnt during the training journey was amazing and has since changed the outlook to my whole life. One of the most profound things I learnt is that every single woman should have the [...]

2023-01-29T08:28:25+00:000 Comments

Stories Of Inspiration & Empowerment: AMANI Birth Changing Lives Series

Profile: Amna Saleem, AMANI Birth Certified Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula One of Amna's clients relays her birth experience with Amna as her Doula: "It was a journey that felt like it will never end. It had been 37 weeks and I was exhausted, tired, and felt no sign of it ending any time soon. My nights felt longer and days felt shorter. Sitting down was uncomfortable and lying down was even more tedious. I would keep turning sides each time to find a comfortable position till the sun came out in the morning. Nights felt like scenes of horror [...]

Testimonial Tuesdays

AMANI Birth Certified Childbirth Educator & Doula, Sohaib Ali, illuminates some very critical points with his reflections:  "Deviation from nature and natural ways, sooner or later, leads us to deviate from the right path. Every now and then, Allah places reformers in appropriate places to bring people back to fitrah. As birth culture in the West deviated from nature and took it to the hospitals, Allah placed reformers in their community to spread the warnings about deviating from the natural path. While most of the East is lagging about 150 years behind the West in terms of this 'industrialization' of [...]

2021-05-25T16:29:16+00:000 Comments

Testimonial Tuesdays

AMANI Birth Certified Labor & Birth Doula, Armine Kazaryan, highlights the deep impact Aisha Al Hajjar left on her: The most profound aspect for me has been the personality of Aisha Al Hajjar, because when I read her book and found out her story and her journey, I got inspired so much that I felt a special energy to educate myself further and return to work again in the field of maternity support in the UAE!  

Testimonial Tuesdays

AMANI Birth Certified Labor & Birth Doula, Jennifer Fisher-Siddeek, shares some insightful responses to questions that are on every mother's mind: In your opinion, why is it important for a woman to prepare for her birth? If she does not prepare, she will likely end up with countless medical interventions that come with high risk to herself and her baby that may have lifelong implications. If she has not had proper nutrition and exercise, she will not be fit for the exertion of labor. If she has not learned about various labor positions and how movement helps baby to descend as well as to ease her discomfort [...]

Testimonial Tuesdays

AMANI Birth Certified Labor & Birth Doula, Faheema Mohammed, is all praises for the training course with Aisha Al Hajjar: I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to take this course. I wanted to do it for over four years, but thankfully was able to finally do it because the course delivery was online. It has truly made an enormous impact on my life and how I will like to move forward in helping other women to understand the importance and joy of natural birth. AMANI birth is a blessing, Alhamdulilah.

Testimonial Tuesdays

AMANI Birth Certified Childbirth Educator & Doula, Hafsa Qureshey, explores the very relevant topic of birth consumerism: What does good birth consumerism mean? Good birth consumerism is 'shopping' for the right care provider; OBGYN or birth attendant, and selecting the right place to give birth, because both these things - who you have with you at birth and your surroundings - will have a huge influence on you as birth is a major life event. That is why educating yourself and wisely choosing your birth team and place is very very important. A mom or couple should ask all questions [...]

Birth Stories: It Was Beautiful Enough for Me

I was 24 weeks pregnant when I returned to my homeland Singapore from Madinah. Initially my husband wished to have me deliver our baby in Madinah. Besides the hospital cost coming close to only less than 2000 riyal, he wanted our first child to be born in the city full of barakah. I was skeptical as I have heard stories from friends like how unnecessary caesareans were performed, how they were treated badly and bullied by the nurses and of women being stitched up without anesthesia. How true are all these? I'm not sure but it really made me want [...]

AMANI Birth Affiliate Spotlight: Margaretha Saulinas 

AMANI Affiliate Number: 159950 Training Workshop Location: Tangerang Selatan Date of Training: September 2016 AMANI Birth Profile:   Why did you choose to become an AMANI doula/CBE? I wanted to support lots of women to have joyful births. How has AMANI affected your life? AMANI has helped me to support lots of mother to have faith that Allah SWT gave them the ability to have a safe birth. How does your work as an AMANI Doula/CBE fulfill you? I know my work as an AMANI cbe and doula does not really get me lot of clients but I still promote [...]

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